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HomeLDAC 50 YR Brothers

Brother Quentin J. (Gabby) Whitelaw

Born: Dec. 20. 1948

Hometown: Elkhart, In/ Chicago,Il

School: Indiana State University

Major: B.S. Industrial Arts Ed 1972

Kappa Chapter: Alpha Zeta (Chartered 1928) Reactivate 1970/Delta Iota/Alpha

Induction Date: Feb.22, 1969

Line Name: "17 Spartans"

Line Number: #8

Line Nickname: “Gabby Hayes”

Kappa Offices: Undergrad Polemarch, 

Professional Career: Education, Marketing and Sales, Technology

Hobby: Reading


Brother Steven Nibbs

Born: January 18, 1953

Hometown: Indianapolis IN

School: Indiana State University

Major: B. S. Public and Environmental Health Administration

Kappa Chapter: Alpha Zeta

Induction Date: November 21, 1972

Line Name: New Breed

Line Number: 4

Line Nickname: Trouble

Professional Career: Public Health and Telecommunications

Kappa Offices: Undergrad Strategus, Dean of Pledges, Vice Polemarch

Kappa Legacy: One brother, nephew, cousin

Brother Herman J. Wright

Born: January 24, 1953

Hometown: Bluffton, GA

School: Savannah State University

Major: Electrical Engineering Technology

Kappa Chapter: Gamma Chi

Induction Date: December 2, 1972

Line Name: The Nasty Eight

Line Number: 3

Line Nickname: Doc

Kappa Offices: Undergrad Polemarch (1973)

Professional Career: Electronic Design / Computer Design

Kappa Legacy: 2 brothers, 1 son, 1 Son-in-law


Brother Michelle “Mitch” A. Willis

Born: July 26, 1951

Hometown: Evansville, IN (Vanderburg County / G. W. Edmonds buried)

School: Morgan State College

Major: B.S. Chemistry 1975

Kappa Chapter: Alpha Iota (Chartered 1931) Advisor Prof. I.W.E Taylor

Induction Date: January 10, 1973

Line Name: The Elite Eight

Line Number: 0AI’73s

Line Nickname: “Yule Gibbons”

Kappa Offices: Undergrad DP & Polemarch, Undergrad Advisor, Saginaw Alumni (MI)

Professional Career: Retired Chemist / Plastics Engineer (Amoco, BASF, Celanese, DSM, Dow)

Hobby: Cycling

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